The liver is a critical organs that enables the body to naturally detoxify it's self.
In our modern society, your liver is under constant attack. Every second of every day, it's working to deal with unhealthy foods, alcohol use, prescription drugs, household chemicals, pesticides, or even worse.That is why a Liver cleanse is neededAs the liver is a critical organs for enabling the body's natural detoxification capacity, supporting it's health could lead to many more years of healthy living.
If your body was an Army Division, your liver would definitely be the General. That's how essential this vital organ is to your optimum health.
Food saturated with harmful chemicals such as MSG,aspartame,saccharin, blue, green, yellow and red lake dyes, propylene glycol,and aluminum.
Consuming harmful beverages such as soda pop which has a pH of 2 making it very acidic and which destroy's the kidneys and the liver and also has a high phosphoric acid content that dissolves the bones which results in osteoporosis coffee is very acid-forming and it effects the central nervous system. Milk and milk-based beverages which are very acidic and mucus forming,and puts extra, synthetic female hormones into the body causing a host of problems, especially in women. Alcohol beverages which are also very acidic and processed with harmful chemicals such as ether (sleeping gas) and methanol (which converts inside the body to formaldehyde [embalming fluid], a neurotoxin).
Help for a Toxic Liver
Here are some important facts to demonstrate why your health depends on a fully functioning and healthy liver:
Fact #1-Your liver produces a quart of bile daily to break down fat.
Fact #2-Your liver removes harmful toxins from nearly 100 gallons of blood per day. This includes internal and external environmental pollutants.
Fact #3-Your liver produces 13,000 essential chemicals and hormones and manages over 50,000 enzymes.
Fact #4-Your liver supports healthy blood sugar metabolism.
Fact #5-Your liver stores essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, D, K and B12.
The good news is, you can promote optimum liver health with an effective cleanse if it is done in time.
When you cleanse your Liver, you open the door to healing.The liver Cleanse itself does not cure any specific disease nor health challenge because nothing except the mercy of God can cure or heal! Nothing! No product whether it is herbal-based or pharmaceutical-based can heal you.
Ninety percent of today's degenerative conditions in the U.S. are diet related, stemming from poor or deficient diet which means that if we change our eating and living habits, we can change our health