Why do we need Nutritional Supplements
Can't we get all of our nutrition from food?
Supplements help you overcome nutritional deficiencies. We need all the nutrients in their proper amounts for optimum health. Since our diets most likely can not provide all of them, nutritional supplements can fill in those gaps in the form of Multi Vitamins
Organic Nutritional Supplements
Boost our immune system. The stronger your immune system, the more resistant your body is against disease. As you know popping a tablet or two of Vitamin C can help you avoid colds and related illnesses. This is exactly how useful supplementation is.
Organic Nutritional Supplement
are also useful in getting rid of the toxins which we horrendously take in everyday. The environmental stresses we go through, chemicals we are in touch with, as well as our lifestyle - these all subject us to harmful toxins which can lead to serious health problems. Supplements, most especially anti-oxidants, can help our body keep toxins to a minimum.
There are many many more benefits that nutritional supplements can provide. The main point is that supplements help you have the optimum health that you deserve and minimize the risk of diseases.
"I am already taking supplements, but I barely see any difference."
Many people have the same complaint. The problem that I mainly see is that people do not really take supplements seriously. They take the one most available, or perhaps the cheapest. They try to save money and end up getting low quality products.
To take full advantage of what dietary Health Supplements can offer, you must choose a Nutritional Supplement . It is only by taking your supplements seriously will you be able to live a fuller, and better life. So, choose well from now on.
Many well meaning doctors will tell you that you can get all of your nutrients from the food we eat.I asked my doctor one question.I asked him to show me the data that supports that statement.Where can I find the study that supports that claim.Few Doctors realize how erroneous that statement is.It is impossible to aquire all of your Daily Nutrient
requirements with food from the Standard American Diet (SAD).
tThe Standard American Diet contains few nutrients if any.Some think it has to do with food choices and I don't disagree,but even if better choices are made that would not increase the nutrient count.Even when we include vegetables, there is a deficiency as well.
Our food source is not as good as it use to be.The nutrients in bread are processed out in order to maintain a longer shelf life.Milk and dairy are pasteurized,rendering it almost useless, if not dangerous.Much of our meats including beef, pork, and chicken have been through hormonal and genetic modification. High levels of steroids are found in our meat supply,even the meat with the USDA seal of approval.Sea food is not much better.There should be a warning label on fish,especially for pregnant women.The mercury levels are much to high for human consumption.
In Mar 2001, Life Extension magazine compared the USDA nutrient table from 1963 to the present
1. Tomatoes contain 90% less copper
2. Apples now have 66% less iron than apricotes
3. Broccoli and collards lose 50% of the total vitamin A
4. Carrots have 50% of the calcium that they once had.
5. Potatoes have 40% less potassium than 50 yrs ago.
The quantities of these nutrients which you may need for beauty on the outside and health on the inside are difficult to obtain from food intake alone for various reasons: