Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Five Ways to Control Syndrome X

food cravings that all people get from time to time for specific foods is caused by Syndrome X a cunning little “cocktail” of bodily hormones and chemicals, stirred and shaken by brain function. Hunger and cravings are two entirely different things. True hunger is crated as from body need, whereas the brain is the power behind cravings. Ghrein is created from the hypothalamus and alerts another part of the brain to release neuropeptide Y which causes us to think about what we “want” to eat. Usually the food item that “satisfies” the hypothalamus into expelling leptin and resulting in a good, happy, full feeling is high in fat or sugar. These fat, sugary carbohydrates release opiods which give a feeling of pleasure and mild euphoria.

In a 2004 study, a group of people were told to “think” and “envision” foods that they like and would like to eat. MRI’s of their brains during this thought process showed definite activity in three areas: The hippocampus, the insula and the caudate. The Dopamine created from giving in to food cravings is as strong as drug addiction. It would be a good analogy to say that the overweight person with strong sugar cravings had a drug dealer in fast food restaurants. By not suppressing cravings and giving in to them, works very similarly to alcoholism. It is a progressive disease that keeps raising the bar as to what will satisfy over time. Limiting calories too severely does not work either. Your body generates more ghrelin and the destructive cycle begins again.
The top five ways to fight Food Cravings· Drink water EVERY time you have a craving
· Get rid of high fat and sugary foods from your house so they are not there to grab
· Eat a healthy food instead of what you crave and use your brain to IMAGINE it
is something else

· Exercise until the craving is gone

· Try a Multiple Vitamin.Vitamin Deficiencies cause sugar cravings.
· Give in to any food craving you want only one day a month
Over the years, one in three people will develop syndrome X and have a three times greater risk of heart disease and diabetes type 2. People should try to avoid this happening, by eating a low fat, high fiber diet with non-starchy vegetables and lean protein.

1. Eat At least 3 Meals each day including a snack

When you skip meals (eg. breakfast) or go too long without eating, your blood sugar levels will fall too low, which is a perfect recipe for food cravings, overeating and even binges.

2.Reduce your intake of refined white sugar,white rice and white flour.
Increase your intake of vegetables,beans and fruit.
Fruit contains sugar,however it is high in fiber
and is acceptable as whole fruit.

3. Reduce your consumption of stimulant drinks.Coffee and certain teas can cause fluctuations in blood sugar.Switch to herbal teas and filtered water.

4, Too Much Added Sugar or Salt Can Make Cravings Worse

5. Understanding The Digestive System

In order to reduce cravings for certain foods, it helps to understand how food is digested. Our food digestion system (mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine) helps us to convert energy and nutrients from food. Carbohydrate, fats and protein are each digested differently within the gastrointestinal tract.
It's not always easy to manage sugar cravings, So get as much support from other sources as you can. If you have difficulty finding help, consider Jenyawellness Health Store for help with
Sugar Cravings at night

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